I thought I might christen this new blog by paying homage to this quirky little bird plate. Unfortunately, earlier this evening I discovered this little guy in pieces under the kitchen table - most likely a victim of my not so agile and quite elderly feline.
Every few weeks I like to take a break from the potter's wheel to sit quietly with a cup of tea, underglaze pencil in hand and let these funny little creatures draw themselves. Aside from creating the plates themselves, I must admit that the drawing part comes without much effort - it's comfortable.
They seem to be appreciated by others, much to my surprise they were almost sold out at my first sale (I've been on a seven year hiatus - now that my monkey is in school I'm back in studio). For me, these little creatures have so much personality. Some are grumpy, some are snooty, some are really goofy and others appear below average intelligence. When I spread a dozen out together I smile and think of them as my make believe dysfunctional family - hee hee.
This little guy was my favorite. I wasn't going to let him go... old man Biter cat knocked him off the table and the porcelain shattered into many very small pieces. Glad I got a photo.
Au Revior Quack a Tu.